Hurricane-Ida-Insurance-Claims-Klibert-Christina-Law-FirmWe are saddened by the destruction we have witnessed since Hurricane Ida blew through the Bayou Region, up through the River Parishes, and into the Florida Parishes, destroying everything in its wake. If Hurricane Ida damaged your home or business, and your insurance company is not treating you fairly, you need an attorney with experience with these types of claims. You do not want a law firm that only handled car wrecks before Hurricane Ida, and now after this disaster, plans on trying to learn how to handle homeowners and business claims, with your claim being the experiment. It would help if you had an attorney experienced with homeowners and business insurance claims and with knowledge of construction practices, business losses, and property and casualty insurance policies.

After Hurricane Katrina, while working at the now-dissolved Becnel Law Firm, LLC, Kevin represented thousands of homeowners in claims against their homeowner’s insurance companies. They recovered additional insurance proceeds for almost every single homeowner. He filed nearly two thousand individual complaints in federal court in New Orleans and recovered hundreds of thousands of dollars for his clients.

If your insurance company is not treating you fairly, contact attorneys with significant experience handling those types of claims. Do not call a law firm that only claims to have experience after a disaster. Your claim is too important to take a chance with a law firm that only represented people in car wrecks two weeks ago. Call Klibert & Christina now.

Klibert & Christina
Law Firm
Full Service Litigation Attorneys

Phone #: (985) 359-6440
Fax #: (800) 475-1640

425 W. Airline Highway, Ste. B
LaPlace, LA 70068

Hours: M – F 9am to 5pm
and any time by appointment.

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